Thursday, July 19, 2007

Stiff Legs

Daniel had his weekly EI appointment yesterday. Ms. Ginger worked with Daniel on crawling, standing, and reaching. (Daniel loved the reaching excercises as he was reaching for puffs, his favorite food.)We have noticed that Daniel has stiff legs. We were hoping that this would improve as he got older and became mobile. Daniel has been "crawling" for about a month now. His "crawl" is not a true crawl but he gets to where he wants to go. It appears that Daniel's leg muscles are tight or weak or that he is just refusing to use them. Ginger left an excercise routine for us to work on for the next two weeks. If the stiffness in Daniel's leg does not seem to be improved then we will take him to the doctor. The worst case scenario is that this is a sign of CP or it could be that Daniel just has stiff legs and will require PT and excercises to loosen the muscles and to teach him how to use his legs. We are hoping for the best but fearing the worst.

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