Daniel has had another big day today.
Daniel's PDA was closed with the medication so he will not have to have surgery.
Daniel's plalette count was low (64,000), 50,000 is critical. Daniel recieved a plalette transfusion.
The doctor tried to start a new centeral line in his arm so the on in his belly button could be removed but it was unsuccessful. It is very common for preemies to centeral lines in their belly buttons but doctors try not to leave these lines in for too long because there is a high risk for infections and blod clots.
The doctor told us this morning that Daniel was ready to be taken off the vent but she was going to wait and do it tomorrow to not stress him out anymore today. We got a phone call around 2:30 p.m. from Daniel's nurse (Carol) telling us that Daniel was off the vent. What a nice surprise.
We got to see Daniel's precious little face without a lot of tubes. Daniel looks a lot like Daddy.
Daniel was weighed again tonight and he is back up to his birth weight...2 pounds.
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