![]() | Daniel will be receiving a blood transfusion within the next few days to help "perk him up". The main goal for the next few weeks is for Daniel to increase his amount of food intake, eat all his feeds from a bottle and get off of O2. Tuesday, August 1, 2006From 1 to 2Daniel has started getting 2 bottles a day. He is still struggling with sucking, swallowing and breathing. He can do all three but not all three at the same time. His feeds have been increased, he is now getting 32 ccs (30 ccs equals an ounce) every 3 hours. Daniel's tummy is getting "big", his current weight is 3 and a half pounds. He will be a 4 pounder before we know it.
Friday, July 28, 2006In 7 DaysA lot can happen in 7 days. God created the earth in 7 days (well 6, he rested on the 7th). Daniel has performed some miracles himself in the last 7 days. Daniel reached the 3 pund mark. His current weight is 3 pounds, 4 ounces. This doesn't place him in the heavy weight division but it does mean that we have a growing boy. Daniel has started learning to drink from a bottle. Babies who are born full term are born with the ability to suck, swallow and breathe. Preemies have to be "taught" how to suck, swallow and breathe. The "normal" protocol is to start "teaching" when the baby reaches 32/33 weeks gestation. Daniel is 33 weeks gestation, this means that if Daniel was still in the womb, Mommy would be 33 weeks pregnant. Daniel gets one bottle day for "practice", the rest of his feedings are through a tube that is down his throat. When Daniel drinks from a bottle he burns a lot of calories, like when we go to the gym and do an aerobic excercise. Daniel doesn't have any "spare calories" which is why he only gets one bottle a day for now, his "practice times" will increase as his "performance" improves. (Daniel has to be taking all his feedings by mouth before he is released.) We are hoping he is a quick learner. Daniel has started learning how to control his own body temperature. He is started wearing clothes. Daniel did receive a blood transfusion this weeks. He received an ounce of blood in the transfusion. It is very common for a preemie to receive a transfusion during their NICU stay, a lot of time they require more then one transfusion. Daniel seems to have "perked up" since his transfusion. Daniel had an eye test on Thursday. The test was to check for ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). ROP is an abnormal growth of blood vessels in the eyes, about 7% of premature babies have ROP. We are very happy to say that Daniel is not part of the 7%, his tested negative for ROP. He will have another eye exam done in 3 months (outpatient).
Tuesday, July 25, 2006Friday, July 21, 2006Wide Awake
Daniel sleeps a lot, which is good because he needs sleep to grow. He is not suppose to "be here" for another 43 days. It takes a lot of energy for him to do the "simple things" like breathe. A lot of our visits involve us "cuddling" with Daniel while he is sleeping until today... Daniel was wide awake, alert and very interested in his surroundings today. After a few minutes of "interacting" with Daddy and Mommy, Daniel ate and Mommy rocked him to sleep. Prayer works! Daniel's head ultrasound showed the brain bleed had not increased, another ultrasound will be done before Daniel is discharged.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006Almost![]() Daniel is almost 3 pounds. His current weight is 2 pounds, 11 ounces only 6 more ounces to go. Grow Daniel grow! Daniel is almost "eating" one ounce of milk every 3 hours. He is currently "eating" 22 ccs every 3 hours, only 8 more ccs and he will be "eating" a whole ounce. Eat Daniel eat! Daniel was not very happy when we arrived at the hospital today. It was time for him to eat and he knew it and he was making sure that everyone else knew it too. We "fed" him. Mommy held the feeding tube abd Daddy helped Daniel hold the pacifier in his mouth. (Daniel gets a pacifier during "feedings" so he will associate sucking with eating.) After Daniel was through eating we burped him, spent some time snuggling, changed his diaper before putting him in his isolette. We love getting to do the "little things" for Daniel, it makes us feel like "real parents". We want to end this post with a prayer request. Daniel will have a repeat head ultrasound sometime tomorrow. Please pray that the bleed has not gotten worse, infact the ultimate prayer would be that the bleed has totally dissolved.
Sunday, July 16, 2006Father's Day in JulyDaniel is steadily gaining weight. His current weight is 2 pounds, 10 ounces. The goal is that Daniel gains an ounce a day. Daniel's feeds have been increased, he is now getting 16 ccs of milk every 3 hours. As of Friday he is no longer getting nutrients and lipids through the IV, he is getting all his nutrients and fats through milk. He will stay off the IV as long as his blood sugar stays under control. Thursday, July 13, 2006Thank You Time
We wanted to take some time to thank everyone for your thoughts, calls, visits, food, gifts and especially the prayers that have been received since Jenny was hospitalized and Daniel arrived. These past few weeks have not been easy, it's so hard to see Daniel lying in the hospital with tubes, etc. and know there is nothing that you can do to make him better. Your prayers and support have helped keep us going and even though we have not really taken the time out to thank you please know how much you are appreciated.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006Tough Little GuyIt is so hard to believe that Daniel is 3 weeks old. He has been through so much in the past 3 weeks, he is such a tough little man. Daniel was moved into an isolette on Friday. He has been in a warming bed since he arrived. This bed provided heat and easy access so the nurses and doctors could provide care and start IVs, etc. Daniel's move is a step up for a few reasons. 1.) Daniel is not as critical and the doctors and nurses do not need "easy access" to start IVs, etc. 2.) Daniel is ready to learn how to control his own boddy temperature and the isolette will help him learn how to do this. Daniel is being fed 8 ccs of fortified breast milk every 3 hours. (5 ccs equals a teaspoon) The breast milk is fortified to provide extra calories. We wish we could say that Daniel was handling all his feedings well but he has really been struggling to digest the milk. The doctor decided to keep trying because some babies seem to require a little more food to help push things through. Daniel is still having a few Apnea spells and is still receiving medication. The doctor said that a lot of preemies "outgrow" Apnea spells around 34 weeks gestation, Daniel is 32 weeks gestation. Daniel is being weighed more frequently now that he is not as critcal. He was weighed last night and we are happy to report the he has gained. His current weight is 2 pounds, 9 ounces. Thursday, July 6, 2006Mommy Holds Daniel
Daniel is doing great for a preemie. He has been off CPAP and on nasal cannula since Tuesday. He has been having Apnea spells which is very common in preemies. An Apnea spell is when a baby stops breathing for 20 seconds or more and is accompanied with a slow heart. He is being treated with medication and will probably be on the medication for a week. Daniel turned 2 weeks old yesterday and recieved a wonderful birthday present...Mommy held Daniel for the first time. Tuesday, July 4, 2006Independence Day![]() When we called to check on Daniel tonight he had been given his first bath. He is doing well on the nasal cannula although the O2 had to be be turned up. Daniel will start his feds again tomorrow after a few days break. He will recieve 1 teaspoon every 6 hours. Daniel has gained 5 ounces. His current weight is 2 pounds, 8 ounces. We actually negelected to take pictures today. We promise more pictures tomorrow. Monday, July 3, 2006A Few ComplicationsOnce again we apologize for the delay in posting Daniel is doing pretty well. A head ultrasound showed that Daniel has a grade 1 intraventricular hemorrrhage (IVF). IVF is bleeding in the brain and will hopefully resolve itself. The doctor said that grade 1 is very mild. He explained it to us in this way, if you put several children in one room, half born with a grade 1 bleed and the other have born with no bleed you would never know which children were the ones with the bleeds. Our prayer now is that the bleed will not increase. Another ultrasound will be done in a few days/weeks to see if the bleed has increased/decreased/stayed the same. A chest x-ray was done on Saturday that showed that Daniel has very hazy lungs. This could be a sign of Chronis Lung Disease which is very similar to Asthma. The doctor said that it is too soon to make a disagnois, several more chest x-rays will be completed. Daniel's feeds were stopped for a day due to residual in his stomach. The doctor feels like he just needs a break. Daniel's digestive system is very immature and may not be ready to handle food. This is a common problem in preemies. Despite all the complications the past few days, Daniel is hanging in there.
Friday, June 30, 2006Chillin' on CPAPWe apologize for the "pause" in posting. We got some much needed rest. Daniel is doing well. He was taken off the nasal cannula and put on CPAP on Tuesday because he was struggling with breathing. It is very rare that a baby goes from the vent to the nasal cannula. Daniel gave it his best shot. CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) delievers pressurized to a baby's lungs and assists the baby with breathing but does not breathe for the baby. Daniel is breathing on his own. Daniel has started "eating". Daniel is being fed one teaspoon of breastmilk every 3 hours through a feeding tube. This is not his only source of nutrients, he is receiving nutrients and lipids (fat) through his IV as well. Daniel gained 3 ounces. His current weight is 2 pounds, 3 ounces.
Thursday, June 29, 2006Monday, June 26, 2006Off the Vent![]() Daniel has had another big day today. Daniel's PDA was closed with the medication so he will not have to have surgery. Daniel's plalette count was low (64,000), 50,000 is critical. Daniel recieved a plalette transfusion. The doctor tried to start a new centeral line in his arm so the on in his belly button could be removed but it was unsuccessful. It is very common for preemies to centeral lines in their belly buttons but doctors try not to leave these lines in for too long because there is a high risk for infections and blod clots. The doctor told us this morning that Daniel was ready to be taken off the vent but she was going to wait and do it tomorrow to not stress him out anymore today. We got a phone call around 2:30 p.m. from Daniel's nurse (Carol) telling us that Daniel was off the vent. What a nice surprise. We got to see Daniel's precious little face without a lot of tubes. Daniel looks a lot like Daddy. Daniel was weighed again tonight and he is back up to his birth weight...2 pounds.
Sunday, June 25, 2006Daniel's Heart![]() Daniel has had a pretty big day today. Daniel is no longer jaundice and the phototherapy lights have been turned off. The Neonatalogist thought she heard a heart murmur and called in the Cardiologist. The Cardiologist confirmed that Daniel does have a murmur which is very common in preemies. Daniel has Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). PDA is a heart defect common in preemies. Everyone is born with a large artery (Ductus Arteriosus) that normally closes on it's own right after birth. However some babies, especially preemies need a medicine to close the ductus. Daniel will recieve 3 shots of medication to close the ductus. If the medication does not work the ductus will be closed with surgery. Daniel oxygen has been turned down to 12%. The doctor said that he should be off the vent by Tuesday.
Saturday, June 24, 2006Big Eyes![]() Daniel is hanging on. There has not been a lot of changes, he is still being weened from the vent and seems to be tolerating the changes very well. Granny 2 (Pam) arrived last night to stay with Mommy and to meet Daniel. Thanks for being here Pam! Daniel opened his eyes today while Mommy and Granny 2 were visiting him. (They cried.) Daniel was weighed today. He has lost weight. His current weight is 1 pound, 15 ounces. Mommy was released today. It was hard leaving Daniel but knowing he is in good hands made it a little easier.
Friday, June 23, 2006Miracle Drug![]() Daniel bounced back after a rough night, all he needed was a little piece and quiet. Daniel recieved 4 doses of a medicine called Surfactant (a soapy like substances that coats the lungs and keeps small air sacs in the lungs from collasing). One of Daniel's doctors refered to Surfactant as a miracle drug. Daniel is slowly being weened of the vent. He is currently on 35% oxygen and doing well.
Thursday, June 22, 2006The First 24 - Holding On![]() Daniel made it through the first 24 hours which seems to be the most critical time in a preemie's life. Daniel was put on a respirator to assist with his breathing, he was started out at 60% oxygen and is now down to 40%. Daniel has been breathing above the respirator which is a very good sign. Daniel's blood sugar was low right after birth but that was elevated and gotten under control quickly. Daniel has jaudince (a yellow discoloration of teh skin and whites of the eyes) and is being treated with phototherapy. Mommy was very sick last night and was not able to see Daniel. She woke up this morning ready to see her boy. Daniel was struggling with his breathing tonight. His nurse (Laura) said the nursery had been busy today and all the activity seemed to stress him out. They moved all the crying babies to another part of the nursery and Laura told everyone that it "Daniel's area" must be kept quiet. Daniel is only a day old and is already ruling the world. Thanks Laura for watching out for our little man. Wednesday, June 21, 2006Daniel Jackson Lloyd Arrives (11 weeks early)![]() ![]() Daniel arrived today at 2:55 p.m. weighing in at 2 pounds and measuring 13.5 inches. Jenny (a.k.a Mommy) developed pre-eclampsia and Daniel had to make his apperance 11 weeks early via an emergency c-section after an ultrasound showed the blood flow through the umblical cord was blocked. Daniel is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Southern Hills Medical Center in critical but stable condition. Mommy is at Southern Hills Medical Center recovering from the c-section. Daddy is at home getting some much needed rest from all the unexpected events that have happened. Thanks Nanny for staying at the hospital tonight!
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